interview "unterwegs in weimar" | mdr thüringen

So honored my FUTURA CEREBRA exhibition was a part of MDR Thüringen’s recent exploration of Weimar. It’s so nice to see my work on the walls surrounded by friends and holding a place in the cultural fabric of the place I call home. Love galerie eigenheim’s description too of their journey.

“Zwei Tage Weimar! Ohne die kulturellen „Platzhirsche“ Goethe, Schiller und Bauhaus! Steffi Peltzer-Büssow begegnet Künstlern, die ihr Schicksal in die Hand nahmen und „einfach“ eine eigene Galerie gründeten, das „Eigenheim“. “⁣

futura cerebra | eigenheim weimar (solo)

my solo show ”FUTURA CEREBRA” OPENS THIS SATURDAY, JANUARY 7 AT EIGENHEIM WEIMAR with the newest work from my brain series.

vernissage: sATURDAY, january 7, 2023, 19- 22 uhr at asbachstr. 1, weimar.

“The paintings in the exhibition „Futura Cerebra“ are studies of the stimuli through which we experience the world. These stimuli (emotional, cognitive and physical) are the basis for our individual and collective perception and creation of our reality.

Kathryn Gohmert breaks down the interplay of these complex processes into their basic framework, using a representation of these processes in the form of diagrams and charts. Symbols (such as arrows, numbers or characters) develop their own code and context and refer to the interplay of cause and effect. Gohmert depicts the process of decoding these diagrams into these paintings.”

(konstantin bayer, artist/director eigenheim weimar/berlin)

more info on the eigenheim website.